Czech National Championship
The Czech National Championship comprises three tournaments: the Prague Spring Open Cup, The Second Tournament and the Carrom Open Cup Prague. Each player’s two best results in these three tournaments are used to calculate the champion, who need not be a Czech national but must be resident in the Czech Republic.

Results of Czech National Championships 2012

OrderNameSpring TournamentThe Second TournamentCarrom Open Cup PragueTotal (2/3)
1. Horst Šimunský 1000 909 1000 2000
2. Zdeněk Sviták 929 1000 913 1929
3. Ondřej Chmelař 715 546 957 1672
4. Romana Králová 786 637 870 1656
5. Jirka Jirkovský 857 0 609 1466
6. Filip Smoljak 643 728 653 1381
7. Honza Těšitel 429 818 522 1340
8. Karlos Novák 501 364 783 1284
9. Dárius Brožek 0 455 826 1281
10. Tomáš Chmelař 286 183 566 852
11. Tadeáš Matys 215 273 479 752
12. Pavel Schierl 0 1 696 697
13. Adrian Dean 358 0 262 620
14. Michal Fučík 572 0 0 572
15. Zbyněk Fojtík 72 0 392 464
16. Zdeněk Táborský 144 92 0 236
17. Zdeňka Chmelařová 0 0 218 218
18. Alžběta Těšitelová 0 0 44 44
19. Dominik Aubrecht 1 0 0 1

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